06.07.2022 Weightlifting AMRAP 15 (Weight) AMRAP 15 for Quality 10 banded good morning 5/5 DB renegade rows 8/8 DB Floor press 30 sec. Plank Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18 5 pull ups 5 shoulder to overhead 40/25 10 push ups 10 hang power clean 40/25 15 air squats 15 dl 40/25

05.07.2022 Weightlifting AMRAP (Weight) AMRAP 15 for Quality 5-8 strict chin ups 5/5 DB overhead Lunges 5/5 DB overhead squats 10 Push ups Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time: 30 hspu/pike 30 WB 9/6 30 DB snatches 22,5/15 1200mrun/ 1500m row/3000m Bike 40 sit ups 40 t2b 40 box jump overs TC: 20

04.07.2022 Core Metcon AMRAP 15 10/10 Kettlebell Windmills 10/10 Suitcase Kettlebell Deadlifts 20 L-Sit Heel Overs 10 Kettlebell Swings This is for quality Metcon Metcon (Time) For time 200m Run 15 Snatches 30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 200m Run 10 Snatches 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 200m Run 5 Snatches 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups Rx: Men: 40 / 45 / 50 Women: 25 / 30 / 35