skill Hspu
Emom 8
A: -8 Hspu
B: 5+ strict Pull ups
Back Squats heavy Triple, then
3×3 with 80%
Emom 18
A: 5+ Hspu
B: 30+ Doubles
C: 12 + Wall Balls
Score is max reps per minute, no score if you cannot reach the required reps
skill Hspu
Emom 8
A: -8 Hspu
B: 5+ strict Pull ups
Back Squats heavy Triple, then
3×3 with 80%
Emom 18
A: 5+ Hspu
B: 30+ Doubles
C: 12 + Wall Balls
Score is max reps per minute, no score if you cannot reach the required reps
Max-Eyth-Straße 6,
73760 Ostfildern
T: 0176 / 630 323 77