WOD – Wed, Nov 9
2022_11_09_WOD (Time)
For Time
40 | 32 cal Row
12 Thrusters
24 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
18 Pull Ups
6 Thrusters
12 Pull Ups
40 | 32 cal Row
12 Thrusters
24 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
18 Pull Ups
6 Thrusters
12 Pull Ups
Rx: 43 | 30 kg
TimeCap: 12 min
<p>| you should be able to get the gymnastics out of the way quick – like 5 sets max.</p><p>Otherwise scale down reps</p>
2022_11_09_Accessory (Time)
400m Farmer’s Carry
<p>| go heavy but not super heavy</p><p>| we are looking for 4-5 sets here</p><p>| add weight to your workout comments</p>