WOD – Mon, Jan 9
2023_09_01_Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)
Kipping Pull Up
work 15 minutes on your Kipping Pull Ups
work 15 minutes on your Kipping Pull Ups
x Kipping Pull Ups
2023_09_01_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
Min 1 | 12/10 cal Row
Min 2 | 18 Wall Balls
Min 3 | 6 Shuttle Runs
Min 4 | 3 Wall Walks
Min 1 | 12/10 cal Row
Min 2 | 18 Wall Balls
Min 3 | 6 Shuttle Runs
Min 4 | 3 Wall Walks
Rx: 9 | 6 kg
| choose reps accordingly to your level – the goal is to get the reps in 45s out of the way
| 1 Shuttle Run = 8m In & Out
| x = reachable but challenging
| the goal is to hold the same reps for 10 minutes
| you can also choose Kipping chest to Bar Pull Ups