WOD WOD, 25. September 2023

WOD – Mon, Sep 25

Deadlift (
Set 1 | 10 Deadlifts @ 60%
Set 2 | 8 Deadlifts @ 70%
Set 3 | 6 Deadlifts @ 75 %
Set 4 | 4 Deadlifts @ 80 %
Set 5 | 2 Deadlifts @ 85 %
rest as needed


| no heavy bounce allowed – controlled reps

| Score = weight


2023_09_25_WOD (4 Rounds for reps)

4 rounds

15 unbroken Wall Balls

15/12 cal Row

5 Shuttle Sprints


Rx: 9 | 6 kg

TimeCap: 17 minutes

| you do this with a partner in a you go, i go style

| change every round and both do 4 rounds

| Wall Balls need to be unbroken

| this should be very intensive

| Shuttle Run = 8m

| goal is to finish the round sub 2 minutes

| Score = time (4 Scores)