WOD WOD, 22. Mai 2023

WOD – Mon, May 22

Snatch (every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
3 Snatches)

| start with 60-70 % and build to a heavy set of 3 Snatches

| use your legs and dip & dive as vertical as possible

| push your legs into the ground

| Power or Squat Snatch is allowed

| Score = heaviest set of 3


2023_05_22_WOD (Time)
2 rounds
40 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls
15 | 12 cal Bike
rest 60 seconds
21 | 16 cal Row
25 Wall Balls
40 Double Unders
rest 60 seconds

Rx: 9 | 6 kg
TImeCap: 20 minutes

| try to keep your rounds consistent

| go fast & recover fast(er)

| Score = total time (including rest of 3 minutes)