WOD WOD, 19. Mai 2023

WOD – Fri, May 19

2023_05_19_Lifting (Time)
Dumbbell Snatch Ladder

2 sets
10 alt. Dumbbell Snatches
8 alt. Dumbbell Snatches
6 alt. Dumbbell Snatches
4 alt. Dumbbell Snatches
2 alt. Dumbbell Snatches
rest 30 seconds

Men: 17,5 | 20 | 22,5 | 27,5 | 30 kg
Women: 10 | 12,5 | 15 | 20 | 22,5 kg

| go hard – this should be intensiv

| Score = total time (inkluding rest)

2023_05_19_WOD (Time)
15 Power Snatches
800m Run
15 Power Snatches
direct into…
15 Clean & Jerks
800m Run
15 Clean & Jerks

Rx: 42,5 | 30 kg
TimeCap: 17 minutes

| no need to go unbroken on the Barbell Movements

| Score = total time