WOD WOD, 23. Mai 2023

WOD – Tue, May 23

2023_05_23_Conditioning (AMRAP – Rounds)
Death by…
35 Double Unders
4 Burpees over Rope

add one Burpee each minute

| be efficient and focused with your Double Unders

| keep arms near to your body

| Score = full completed rounds


2023_05_23_WOD (Calories)
Min 1 | 8 Sit Ups + 10 Hang Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
Min 2| x cal Row

Rx: 22,5 | 15 kg

| the Sit Ups and Clean & Jerks are performed in the same minute

| switch arms on the Clean & Jerks after 5 reps

| if you are not sure how hard you can go on the Rower, then start a little easier than you think and increase in the second half of the EMOM

| Score = total calories Row