WOD WOD, 13. Oktober 2023

WOD – Fri, Oct 13

2023_10_13_Gymnastics (Time)

40 Pull Ups

rest 2 minutes

30 Pull Ups

rest 1 minute

20 Pull Ups

rest 30 seconds

10 Pull Ups


TimeCap: 12 minutes

| Scaling: 30-20-10 reps

| be smart about your splits – small sets with short rest will work best for most of us

| Score = time (incl. rest)


2023_10_13_WOD (Time)


Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dual Dumbbell Floor Press

Dual Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans


Rx: 22,5 | 15 kg

TimeCap: 24 minutes

| this will get grippy (of course after the Pull Ups) – make sure to have a game plan

| Score = time