WOD WOD, 16. Oktober 2023

WOD – Mon, Oct 16

Bench Press (
4 sets
Set 1 | 3.3 Bench Presses @ 85%
Set 2 | 3.3 Bench Presses@ 85%
Set 3 | 3.3 Bench Presses@ 85%
Set 4 | 3.3 Bench Presses@ 85%
rest as needed

| keep rest between 2-3 minutes

| perform 3 Bench Presses – rerack the bar & fest for 20s – then go again

| full range of motion – bar needs to touch the chest

| Score = weight


2023_10_16_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)


75 cal Row | 50 cal Bike

50 Sit Ups

25 Pull Ups

| try to keep a consistent pace but go harder on the last 5 minutes

| smaller sets with short break on the Pull Ups

| Score = total reps