WOD WOD, 1. Dezember 2022

WOD – Thu, Dec 1

2022_12_01_Strength (Weight)
every minute for 12 minutes
A | max Barbell Hip Thrusts
B | max Barbell Glute Brifge Hold
C | rest

| no need to go heavy here

| the goal is to work for the full 2 minutes

2022_12_01_WOD (Time)
For time
50 Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges
30 Pike Push Ups
rest 90 seconds

40 Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges
20 Handstand Push Ups
rest 90 seconds

30 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups

Rx: 22,5 | 15 kg
TimeCap: 20 minutes

| make sure that one knee touche the ground on the Lunges

| shorten ROM with Abmats on the Handstand Push Ups