05-10-2022 Weightlifting AMRAP 12 (Weight) AMRAP 12 for Quality 3 Strict Press+4 Push Press+5 Push Jerk with empty Bar 3 Strict Pullups+3 Kipping Pull ups+(3 Butterfly Pull ups Metcon Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds 1 Lane Handstand Walk / 3 Wall Walks 10 V-Ups 20 Wall Balls 9/6 30 DU TC: 18

04-10-2022 Metcon Metcon (Time) "the 50`s" For Time 50 reps of: Shuttle run WB 9/6 Burpees Cal Row C2B Pull ups/Pull ups KB Swings 32/24 Pistols/ DB Squats 1×22,5/15 Cal Bike DB Snatches 22,5/15 (RX 30) Box Jump overs/ Step overs Slam Balls TC: 37

03-10-2022 Weightlifting AMRAP 12 (Weight) AMRAP 12 for Quality 8 Frontsquats @60% 6 Deadstop Deadlifts same weight Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EMOM 20 1: 15/12 cal Bike (45 sec.max) 2: 6 T2B + 5 Pull ups + 4Burpees 3: 17/13 cal Row (45 sec. Max) 4: Rest