Open 14.3 style:
Amrap 8min:
10 -15-20-25-…
Deadlifts 80/60kg
15 Box Jumps
4 Rounds not for time
10-15 reps Bulgarian Squats (behind the neck)
10-15 reps Single leg DL
10-15 KB one arm presses
Open 14.3 style:
Amrap 8min:
10 -15-20-25-…
Deadlifts 80/60kg
15 Box Jumps
4 Rounds not for time
10-15 reps Bulgarian Squats (behind the neck)
10-15 reps Single leg DL
10-15 KB one arm presses
Max-Eyth-Straße 6,
73760 Ostfildern
T: 0176 / 630 323 77