WOD WOD, 8. September 2023

WOD – Fri, Sep 8

2023_09_08_Lifting (Weight)
every 2 minutes for 16 minutes
1 Snatch & 1 Overhead Squat & 1 Hang Snatch & 1 Overhead Squat

Set 1-2 | 65%
Set 3-4 | 70%
Set 5-6 | 75%
Set 7-8 | 80%

| % of 1RM Snatch

| perform complex unbroken

| hang = above knees

| Score = weight


2023_09_08_WOD (Time)
40-30-20-10 Wall Balls
20-15-10-5 Toes to Bar
every 4 minutes: 200m Run

Rx: 9 | 6 kg
TimeCap: 20 minutes

| start the workout with 200m Run

| Score = time