Weekly Special: Squat
Squat (Weight)
Backsquats 4 x 6 Tempo Squats 6 sec.exzentric + Miniband toe kontroll @40%
40/40 sec. Box Planks between sets
Start &end with Box Planks (5x 40/40sec.)
40/40 sec. Box Planks between sets
Start &end with Box Planks (5x 40/40sec.)
Metcon (Time)
For Time
50 DU
15 Cleans 40/25
50 DU
15 Cleans 50/30
50 DU
10 Cleans 60/35
50 DU
10 Cleans 70/40
50 DU
5 Cleans 80/45
50 DU
5 Cleans 90/50
(Pace the Barbell, same cycle spenden first &last rep)
TC: 20
15 Cleans 40/25
50 DU
15 Cleans 50/30
50 DU
10 Cleans 60/35
50 DU
10 Cleans 70/40
50 DU
5 Cleans 80/45
50 DU
5 Cleans 90/50
(Pace the Barbell, same cycle spenden first &last rep)
TC: 20