WOD WOD, 30. März 2023

WOD – Thu, Mar 30

2023_30_03_Strength (Weight)
every 02:30 minutes for 10 minutes
Set 1 | 5 Front Squats @ 75 %
Set 2 | 5 Front Squats @ 75 %
Set 3 | 5 Front Squats @ 75 %
Set 4 | 5 Front Squats @ 75 %

| stay upright as possible and keep elbows high

| breathe into your belly & brace your core


2023_31_03_WOD (5 Rounds for reps)
every 3 minutes for 5 rounds
13|10 cal Bike
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to Overhead

Rx: 50 | 35 kg

2023_30_03_WOD (Time)
75 Double Unders
25m Sandbag Carry
50 Pull Ups
25m Sandbag Carry
75 Double Unders

Rx: heavy
TimeCap: 10 minutes

| make a game plan for the Pull Ups, split them early