WOD WOD, 28. September 2023

WOD – Thu, Sep 28

2023_09_28_Strongman (Weight)

3 rounds

5 reps Movement X

1min Sandbag Bear Hug Hold

5 reps Movement X


Rd 1 | Sandbag Squats

Rd 2 | Sandbag over Shoulders

Rd 3 | Sandbag Cleans

| use a heavy Sandbag – you shoukd be able to accumulate the Hold unbroken

| have fun with the new toys

| Score = weight

2023_09_28_WOD (2 Rounds for reps)

10 min max calories Bike

Min 0 | 3 Box Jumps Overs

Min 2 | 6 Box Jumps Overs

Min 4 | 9 Box Jumps Overs

Min 6 | 12 Box Jumps Overs

Min 8 | 15 Box Jumps Overs


rest 3 minutes


10 min max calories Row

Min 0 | 15 Box Jumps Overs

Min 2 | 12 Box Jumps Overs

Min 4 | 9 Box Jumps Overs

Min 6 | 6 Box Jumps Overs

Min 8 | 3 Box Jumps Overs


Rx: 60 | 50 cm

| we are looking for a consistent pace on the Erg – speedy transitions

| Score = total calories (2 Scores)