WOD WOD, 21. September 2023

WOD – Thu, Sep 21

2023_09_21_Lifting (Weight)


Min 1 | 3 Power Snatches

Min 2 | 3 Overhead Squats

Min 3 | 3 Hang Squat Snatches

Min 4 | rest & change weights

| the goal is to finish one heavy round, while using the same weight for all 3 movements

| start with roughly 60%

| go only up in weight iyf you could manage to complete all reps without misses

Score= weight of heaviest round

2023_09_21_WOD (Time)

3 rounds

21 Pull Ups

15 Dumbbell Floor Presses

9 Dumbbell Thrusters


Rx: 22,5 / 15 kg

TimeCap: 11 minutes

| use the same Dumbbells for the Bench & Thrusters

| Score = total time