WOD WOD, 2. Januar 2023

WOD – Mon, Jan 2

2023__02_01_Gymnastics Strength
A| Ring Support Hold
B| Bottom Push Up Hold
C| Deadhang
D| max Sit Ups

| scheme for A,B,C – 20s on | 10s off | 20s on

| max Sit Ups in 50s

| tense your core and do all the stuff with quality


2023_02_01_WOD (Time)
10 rounds
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Dumbbell Floor Presses

Rx: 15 | 10 kg
Rx+: 22,5 | 15 kg
TimeCap: 15 minutes

| don’t go to failure on both of the movements