Weekly Special : Squat
Squat (Weight)
3 x 6 Tempo Backsquats/ 6 sec.exzentric +
Miniband toe kontroll @40%
40/40 sec. Box Planks between sets
Start &end with Box Planks (5x 40/40sec.)
Miniband toe kontroll @40%
40/40 sec. Box Planks between sets
Start &end with Box Planks (5x 40/40sec.)
Metcon (Time)
For Time
40 sec on 20 sec off
60 Deadlifts 50/35
45 Hang Power Clean
30 Shoulder to Overhead
Partition as you like
60 Deadlifts 50/35
45 Hang Power Clean
30 Shoulder to Overhead
Partition as you like
TC: 20