WOD WOD, 13. Januar 2023

WOD – Fri, Jan 13

30s on | 30s off
Min 1 | Strict Reps (Pike or Handstand Push Up)
Min 2 | Wall Walks
Min 3 | Hold (Pike or Handstand)

| no need to work for the whole 30 seconds – the goal is to stay consistent over all rounds


2023_13_01_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
6 rounds
90s on | 45s off
max Bar Facing Burpees

Rx: 30 | 20 kg

| Score = Burpees in total

| in Round 1 you perform 18 Thruster and in the remainder of time as many Burpees as possible.

| round 2 starts with 15 Thruster, round 3 with 12 Thruster an so on