WOD WOD, 23. Januar 2023

WOD – Mon, Jan 23

2023_23_01_Lifting (Weight)
every 15 seconds for 30 rounds
1 Dumbbell Clean & Jerk

| focus on quality reps and alternate arms on every rep

| Flow = first round right arm | second round left arm


2023_23_01_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
every 2 minutes for 8 sets
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
Round 1 | 6 Burpees
Round 2 | 8 Burpees
Round 3 | 10 Burpees
Round 4 | 12 Burpees
Round 5 | 14 Burpees
Round 6 | 16 Burpees
Round 7 | max Burpees
Round 8 | max Burpees

Rx: 22,5 | 15 kg

| we use one Dumbbell on the Thrusters

| don’t ask why – just do the work

| if you can’t get the Burpees done in the 2 minutes window the workout is over