*Pull Up*
A| Active Static Hang
3 x 45 sec
B| Banded Biceps Curls
3 x 15
C| Beat Swing + Pull Up
A| Active Static Hang
3 x 45 sec
B| Banded Biceps Curls
3 x 15
C| Beat Swing + Pull Up
*Chest to Bar Pull Up*
A| Strict Pull Up + Isometric Hold
3 x 5
B| Strict Box Drill
3 x 8
C| Beat Swing + Chest to Bar Pull Up
*Muscle Up*
A| Strict Pull Up + Strict Ring Dip
3 x 5
B| Front Lever Pull + Hip Pop
3 x 8
C| Beat Swing + Muscle Up
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
15 Box Step Overs
21 Sit Ups
27 m Bear Walk
15 Box Step Overs
21 Sit Ups
27 m Bear Walk
Buy Out: 100 Mountain Climbers
Rx: 22,5 / 15 kg
A| Kettlebell Overhead Carry
B| Hollow to Superman
C| Plank Sliders