WOD WOD, 2. Oktober 2023

WOD – Mon, Oct 2

2023_10_02_Lifting (Weight)

Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes

1 Snatch @ 75%

rest 3 minutes

1 Snatch @ 85%

| make every lift look like the same
| no misses
| only increase the weight for the second part if you managed the first 10 reps without a no rep
| Score = weight (85%)


2023_10_02_WOD (Time)

30 Box Jump Overs

30 Deadlifts
Rest 2 minutes
20 Box Jumps
20 Hang Power Cleans Rest

2 minutes
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

10 Hang Squat Cleans

Rx: 60 | 42,5 kg
TimeCap: 15 minutes

TimeCap: 15 minutes
| try to finish each part as fast as possible

| Score = time (incl. Rest)