WOD WOD, 19. Oktober 2023

WOD – Thu, Oct 19

2023_10_19_Gymnastics (Time)

3 rounds

12 Muscle Ups

rest 2 minutes

| Bar Muscle Up – Jumping Bar Muscle Ups

| for your scaling: we are looking for putting some reps unbroken togehther – no singles

| Singles only in the Rx Version

| if you can Rx Muscle Ups – probably scale the reps down

| Score = time (incl. Rest)


2023_10_19_WOD (Time)

Team of 2 – you go, i go

10 Sandbag over Shoulder

20 Sandbag Squats

40 Burpees over Sandbag

80 cal Bike

40 Burpees over Sandbag

20 Sandbag Squats

10 Sandbag over Shoulder


TimeCap: 20 minutes

| maybe Single on the Sandbag over Shoulders are a good way

| small fast sets

| Score = time (weight & partner in comments)