WOD WOD, 15. Juni 2023

WOD – Thu, Jun 15

Power Clean (12 sets
1 Power Clean

Set 1-4 | @ 75 %
Set 5-8 | @ 80 %
Set 9-12 | @ 85 %

Set 1-4 | 2s pause in catch
Set 5-8 | 2s pause below knee
Set 9-12 | no pause)

| tick to the pauses and try to be as explosive as possible

| Score = weight of Set 9-12


2023_06_15_WOD (2 Rounds for reps)
4 x AMRAP 1
4 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Power Cleans
max Air Squats
rest 30 seconds between sets

rest 2 minutes

4 x AMRAP 1
6 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Power Cleans
max Air Squats
rest 30 seconds between sets

Rx: 60 | 42,5
Rx+: 70 | 47,5 kg

| the pauses let you go a little bit harder than you think

| Score = Air Squats (2 scores)