WOD – Tue, Sep 5
Power Clean (
every 20s x 5 sets
1 Power Clean @ 75%
rest 2 minutes
every 20s x 5 sets
1 Power Clean @ 75%
rest 2 minutes
every 30s x 5 sets
1 Power Clean @ 80%
rest 2 minutes
every 40s x 5 sets
1 Power Clean @ 85%
2023_09_05_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
Min 1 | 250/200m Row
Min 2 | 10 Shoulder to Overhead
Min 3 | max Wall Walks
Min 4 | rest
Min 1 | 250/200m Row
Min 2 | 10 Shoulder to Overhead
Min 3 | max Wall Walks
Min 4 | rest
Rx: 61 | 42,5 kg
| do not sprint the Row
| Shoulder to Overhead start from the ground
| Score = total reps of Wall Walks
| keep the bar close to your body by pulling your elbows high
| fast elbows & jump under the bar
| Score = weight