WOD WOD, 5. Juli 2023

WOD – Wed, Jul 5

Snatch (5 rounds
every 20 seconds x 6 sets
1 Snatch

Set 1 | @ 60 %
Set 2 | @ 65 %
Set 3 | @ 70 %
Set 4 | @ 75 %
Set 5 | @ 80 %)

| the percentages are just a rough guideline

| do only increase the weight if you hit all the reps within the 20s without misses

| Score = heaviest set


2023_07_05_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Thrusters
rest | work 1:1

Rx: 43 | 30 kg
Rx+: 52 | 35 kg

| rest | work 1:1 means that you always rest as long your previous round took

| that allows you to push the pace

| Score = total reps