WOD WOD, 26. Juli 2023

WOD – Wed, Jul 26

2023_07_26_Barbell Cycling (AMRAP – Reps)
Min 1 | X Power Clean & Jerks
Min 2 | X Power Snatches

Rx: 42, 5 | 30 kg
Rx: 50 | 35 kg

*X is your choice today, but you HAVE to do X reps over all rounds (no dropping reps later on)

| choose a weight which allows you to stay consistent with X reps over all rounds

| the weight and the chosen reps are the same for both movements

| Score = reps


2023_07_26_WOD (Time)
EMOM until 2.000 | 1.600m
Min 1 | 3 Shuttle Runs & 30 Double Unders
Min 2 | max distance Row
Min 3 | rest

TimeCap: 8 rounds

| perform the Shuttle Runs & Double Unders in the same minute

| stay consistent over all rounds and not your meters (because someone else use your Rower)

| Score = time