WOD WOD, 26. April 2023

WOD – Wed, Apr 26

2023_04_26_Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)
40s max Pull Ups
20s rest

diretctly into

4 rounds
20s max Pull Ups
10s rest

| start out with 40s of max Pull Ups – don’t hold back here, go hard

| try to stay consistent on the 4 rounds

| the reps don’t need to be unbroken


2023_04_26_WOD (5 Rounds for reps)
every 3 minutes for 5 sets
250m|200m Row
max Devil Presses

Rx: 15 | 10 kg

| don’t go all out in set 1

| we use two dumbbells for the Devil Presses

| Snatch or Clean & Jerk is allowed