WOD WOD, 25. April 2023

WOD – Tue, Apr 25

2023_04_25_Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)
Part A
x Handstand Push Ups

| choose a number and stay consistent over all rounds

| no need to go unbroken here


2023_04_25_Gymnastics (Time)
Part B
max Handstand Hold

| against wall

| start at 10:00 with one max Handstand Hold


2023_04_25_WOD (Time)
10 rounds
5 Overhead Squats
6 Bar Facing Burpees
7 Toes to Bar

Rx: 42,5 | 30 kg
TimeCap: 10 minutes

| aim to finish each round in under 60 seconds – choose scaling accordingly

| keep rounds consistent

| move at a steady pace – do not sprint the rounds