WOD WOD, 22. Februar 2023

WOD – Wed, Feb 22

2023_02_22_Strength (Weight)
every 02:30 minutes for 10 minutes
Set 1 | 8 Front Squats | 50 %
Set 2 | 6 Front Squats | 60 %
Set 3 | 4 Front Squats | 70 %
Set 4 | 2 Front Squats | 80 %
find your daily 1 RM in 10 minutes

| don’t do too many sets in the 10 minute window

| go heavy & ring the bell


2023_02_22_WOD (Time)
In Teams of 2
10 rounds
12 alternating Dumbbell Snatches
6 Burpee Box Overs

Rx; 22,5 | 15 kg
Time Cap: 20 minutes

| 10 rounds each
| if you don’t have a teammate, rest as long as your previous round took
| go hard and recover fast