WOD – Wed, Feb 15
Min 1 | 30s max Strict Pull Ups
Min 2 | max Pistols
Min 3 | max Sit Ups
Min 1 | 30s max Strict Pull Ups
Min 2 | max Pistols
Min 3 | max Sit Ups
| move efficient
| alternate legs on the Pistols
| stay consistent over all rounds
2023_15_02_WOD (Time)
For time
50 Curtis P’s*
50 Curtis P’s*
Rx: 42,5 | 30 kg
TimeCap: 20 minutes
Curtis P:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Rack Reverse Lunge Step (each leg)
1 Push Press
| make a gameplan and try to sty consistent to it
| load the bar that you can perform 3-5 unbroken Curtis P’s over the whole workout