WOD WOD, 14. November 2022

WOD – Mon, Nov 14

2022_11_14_Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Super Sets
5-10 Strict Pull Ups

rest 30 seconds

12-15 Dumbbell Bent Over Flys

rest 60 seconds

<p>| keep weight for the Flys super light and focus on perfect form</p><p> </p><p> </p>
2022_11_14_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
every 2 minutes for 8 sets
10 Deadlifts
Rd 1 | 6 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 2 | 8 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 3 | 10 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 4 | 12 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 5 | 14 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 6 | 16 Barfacing Burpees
Rd 7 | max Barfacing Burpees
Rd 8 | max Barfacing Burpees

Rx: 85 | 60 kg

<p>| Score = total Burpees</p>