WOD WOD, 14. Februar 2023

WOD – Tue, Feb 14

2023_14_02_Strength (Weight)
every 02:30 minutes for 10 minutes
Set 1 | 8 Overhead Squats
Set 2 | 6 Overhead Squats
Set 3 | 4 Overhead Squats
Set 4 | 8 Overhead Squats

| build in weight until a heavy set of 4
| then drop the weight for your last set of 8, but still heavier than Set 1


2023_14_02_WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
30 Dumbbell Snatches
15 Box Step Overs
10 Single Arm Devil Presses
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
3 Loop Runs

Dumbebell: 22,5 | 15 kg
Box: 60 | 50 cm

| the Step Overs are with Dumbbell