WOD WOD, 10. Mai 2023

WOD – Wed, May 10

Snatch (every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
Power Snatch & Snatch

Set 1 | 70 %
Set 2 | 75 %
Set 3 | 75 %
Set 4 | 80 %
Set 5 | 80 %
Set 6 | 85 %

| reset the bar after the Power Snatch

| catch the Power Snatch as high as possible & keep the same power for the Snatch

| keep reps snappy and focus on vertical extension


2023_05_10_WOD (Time)
15 Burpee Pull Ups
15 Back Squats
12 Burpee Pull Ups
12 Front Squats
9 Burpee Pull Ups
9 Overhead Squats

Rx: 50 | 35 kg
Rx+: 60 | 42,5 kg
TimeCap: 14 minutes

| be smart about your splits – it all comes down the Overhead Squats

| the Overhead Squat shoud not be heavier than 80% of your 1RM