12-12-2109 Weekly Special : TGU Gymnastics Weekly Special: TGU Progression (Max reps) Turkish get ups Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time 30 DU 21 Devil Press 21 Wall Balls 30 DU 15 Devil Press 15 Wall Balls 30 DU 9 Devl Press 9 Wall Balls 30 DU RX: 22,5/15 Kg

11-12-2019 Weekly Special : TGU Gymnastics Weekly Special: TGU Progression (Max reps) Turkish get ups Metcon Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 Buy In: 100 Cal Row/Bike 3 Rounds of 20 KB Hang C&J 24/16 Kg (one KB) 15 HSPU 10 C2B Pull ups Cash Out: 100 Cal Row/Bike one Work one rest TC: 25 Min

09-12-2019 Weekly Special : TGU Gymnastics Weekly Special: TGU Progression (Max reps) Turkish get ups Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 10 AMRAP 10 21 Snatches 35/20 Kg 21 T2B 15 Snatches 45/30 Kg 15 T2B 9 Snatches 50/35 Kg 9 T2B 6 Snatches 55/40 Kg 6 T2B 3 Snatches 60/45 Kg 3 Max T2B

06-12-2019 Weekly Special : Push Jerk / Split Jerk Weightlifting Push jerk /Split jerk (Weight) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP AMRAP 5 30 Boxjump overs Max Cal Bike Rest 3 Min AMRAP 5 30 Boxjumps overs Max Reps Power Cleans Rest 3 Min AMRAP 4 30 Boxjumps overs Max T2B RX: 70/45 Kg

05-12-2019 Weekly Special : Push Jerk / Split Jerk Weightlifting Push jerk /Split jerk (Weight) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) "Cortex" AMRAP 9 1-2-3-4-…. Devil Press 2-4-6-8-…. Wall Balls RX: 22,5/15 Kg

04-12-2019 Weekly Special : Push Jerk / Split Jerk Weightlifting Push jerk /Split jerk (Weight) Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time 5-10-15-20-25-30-25-20-15-10-5 Double unders Hang Power Snatches RX: 35/25 Kg

03-012-2019 Weekly Special : Push Jerk / Split Jerk Weightlifting Push jerk /Split jerk (Weight) Metcon Metcon (Time) Linchpin Test 3 Rounds for Time 21 Wall Balls 14 HSPU 7 Deadlifts RX: 143/93 Kg

02-12-2019 Weekly Special : Push jerk /Split jerk Weightlifting Push jerk /Split jerk (Weight) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) Bergeron Beep Test Death by EMOM 7 Thrusters 35/25 7 Pull ups 7 Burpees