06-05-2019 Weekly Spezial : 1RM Snatch Metcon Weightlifting 1 RM Snatch Metcon (Time) Honia 33 Rounds 3 Burpees 1 Box jump over 1 DL 1 Box jump over Rx: 100/70 Kg

03.05.2019 Weekly Special: Clean & Jerk Weightlifting Clean and Jerk (1×1) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 17 400m run 30 Double Unders 20 Dumbbell Snatches 10 Burpees Rx: 22,5 / 15 kg 400m = 40 reps

02.05.2019 Weekly Special: Clean & Jerk Weightlifting Clean and Jerk (1×1) Metcon Metcon (Time) 4 rounds 21 Wall Balls 15 Slam Balls 3 Wall Walk Push Ups Rx: Wall Ball: 9 / 6 kg Slam Ball: 10 / 6 kg